The Messenger of Allah S.A.W. said: 'Any one who provides Iftaar for the one who is fasting in Ramadhan, will have the same reward of a fasting person without decreasing any of the fasting person's reward.'
Daar-ul-Quran Society organizes the merciful feasts and allocates tents for serving the Iftaar all through the Holy month of Ramadhan in selective locations in the various cities and mosques.
We served meals for Iftaar to thousands of poor Muslims who benefited in that project. We also distributed food to poor families.

The fast breaking project is considered as one of the main projects in which the charity people compete to obtain the blessing of Allah during that month. The cost of breaking the fast for one person is 5 U.S.D. so take the initiative and win the prizes and rewards in the month of mercy.